The next hurdle

Right now, an incredible 2.5 million people are receiving doses of a COVID-19 vaccine every day in the United States. Bill de Blasio even announced that New York City will be 100% open on July 1. My mind is struggling to catch up.

I'm one of those fortunate to now be fully vaccinated. I suspect like many of those who behaved with a relatively low risk tolerance this past year, I am not suddenly casually going anywhere indoors with others. Even with a mask and being fully vaccinated, my mind has been conditioned to assume an unseen threat. Both to myself, and others. My body hums with anxiety and unease the couple of times I've been indoors with the public, or even outdoors in somewhat crowded circumstances. I realize the importance of getting on with life, and fully plan on forcing myself out—while respecting guidelines and being safe. But this is clearly the next hurdle (amongst many) we've had to overcome during the pandemic.

We're lucky to face it.